
Posted by Edwin Monday, July 26, 2010

Sorry I haven't updated in quite some time! Its been about 4 weeks and I've been away at camp and unable to check up on the site. But I'm back now so expect frequent updates!

While I was away, William Yowell from Kracked Skulls Longboards kindly sent us a free Scimitar deck, which we will be stenciling with the Skate Cape May logo. (When it has been stenciled, I'll post up pictures!)
I want to thank Kracked Skulls for the support and we'll be featuring his board at the stops we'll make!

Danny's mom has also emailed me saying that we were being featured in Black River Journal, and its excellent that we're starting to get more publicity!

Danny and I are also going to be interviewed by the Star Ledger tomorrow so this is culminating into a pretty exciting adventure!

This Wednesday, for those living in the Hackettstown/Long Valley/Chester area, we will be having a lemonade stand before the actual event to raise awareness and raise additional funds.

Until another update, I'm signing off!

- Edwin


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Skate Cape May is a 200+ mile skateboarding journey from the top of New Jersey (High Point) to the bottom (Cape May) with the intent to raise funds for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research. Last year, we received an award as a Top 100 Fundraiser for 2010 for ALSF!

Click Here for more detailed information!