New Participation Information!

Posted by Edwin Friday, August 5, 2011

Apologies once again for the sparse blog postings especially considering Skate Cape May is coming up in just a couple of days now.

This post is mostly just to tell you guys that I've updated the Participation information on the "Participate" page so it's a lot more comprehensive and finally set up a rudimentary sign-up "form" for those interested in participating. Definitely check it out for more information!

Until there is more to say,
- Edwin


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Skate Cape May is a 200+ mile skateboarding journey from the top of New Jersey (High Point) to the bottom (Cape May) with the intent to raise funds for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research. Last year, we received an award as a Top 100 Fundraiser for 2010 for ALSF!

Click Here for more detailed information!